Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Three years on...

Despite starting this blog over three years ago and moving out of the hoarder home it still has a deep impact on our relationship and health. There have been some solutions and at times it seems my dad is regressing.
Every January I take stock and review the hoarding related new year resolution:
 look back and reflect, take stock, make plans and ACTION!
2012- resolution and review
2013- resolutions and review

1.BE more organised with storing MY belongings- it sets an example- 2012 RESOLUTION number1- c.
I actually take little control and it shows. I have had to move again and need to buy a wardrobe to keep my stuff

2.REFUSE TO BUY BOOKS-borrow from library! I barely had time to read this year so this is an easy one to stick to but i what will do is review every 3 months what books/leaflets i don't need. I will buy second hand books.
I did not buy any books this year! Not had the time. This is one resolution I stuck to. My dad has some interesting autobiographies.

3.Continue to persuade to dad to get rid of useless books-who needs a book on idioms from 1956 or "A dummies guide to Windows 95"-nobody wants them! apart from a computer book antique collector? (if one exists)  Getting there- need to think of more tactful ways of helping dad.
Dad has been very moody and it has been like walking on eggshell around him.

4.Continue to state how the book collection is causing extra dust mites- This year dad started shifting his books to the living room and so this is really impacting on everyone. FIND frightening articles to share with my dad.
This will have no impact on my dad.

5.What junk does not belong to mine should not be in my room-however small or large. ACHIEVED!!SO i will change this to if make sure i don't become a hoarder- if i have not used something in the last 12 months get RID of it.
In my new place my mum has found place to dump clothes :( Going have to be tough and delegate

6.Sell/donate any of my junk and encourage others ACHIEVED. CONTINUE with this
Donated somethings

7.Write every month ANY ACTION taken and RESULTS achieved . NOPE i think every 3 months is more reasonable but more regularly on blog
I have not. I don't like having bits of paper. I think I will put it on my telephone calendar

8. ALL goals to be SMART specific,measurable,....
This is obvious. I can be specific by aiming to sell a certain amount on EBAY at regular intervals.

A new one for 2013 is to somehow get my dad to see a doctor or get cognitive behaviour therapy. I know my mum says he will use it as an excuse not to go to work and claim to be ill. By sitting at home it will encourage him to hoard more. He was depressed 20 odd years ago maybe he still is.

I think I am having a glimmer of hoarding tendencies, I tend to collect a lot of notebooks and not like to "spoil them with my handwriting"

I have to accept I cannot change people NO MATTER how good my intentions. To end on a quote 

Enough words have been exchanged;
now at last let me see some deeds! (
Goethe, Faust I)

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