Monday, 13 February 2012

Association of hoarding and childhood adversities

 I had started collecting some webllinkes to share with you last year and they have been sitting in my drafts. The inspirational Oprah has long discussed hoarding, and her websites has an interesting set of useful resources including a Hoarding Severity Scale. Dr David Tolin has provided much of the information. I think there is more than enought information here, just rememember to apply and learn from the resources and not just hoard. I wish i had seen the actual shows on hoarding on Oprah.

There is a study in Baltimore asking is this universal link to alcohol dependency, lack of security through a break in or physical  roughly handled as child to make up for lack of love with parents?
With 2 million hoarders in the US it is no wonder there are clinical studies in the US. I am not aware of any research in the UK or Europe.
Please do look at Oprah website

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