Thursday, 18 March 2010

savvy storage

Upon waiting in the doctors surgery last month i was browsing through magazines and came across the mention of a website "supersavvy" that had tips on how to declutter the home without spending a fortune. It suggested you can get storage boxes from poundland and other discount stores, so if you're skint and a student then you can get one from here. Upon my trek the local poundshop i learner they also sell kitchen storage and vacuum sealed bags for clothes.
On the other hand if you want something that will match the room the obvious choice would be Ikea and homebase.
Here is a handy link to a article on savvy-storage: lounge options
The website is aimed at parents but i will be book making it as it has lots of other interesting sections

I can do one better than poundland:
98p shop sells those little toiletry baskets in bright colours!

Back to hoarding- my dad does not allow cardboard boxes to be disposed of just in case. They are usually used to keep his books in until they can't withstand it and break, i admit this is friendly to the envionment- recycling but it just encourages my dad to buy more. Sometimes my mum ends up folding clothes and putting them in cardboard boxes since his wardrobe is jammed with clothes.
At the top of the stairs on the landing my dad has THREE   (just checked Four)  blue reactangular plastic boxes stacked with books, upon which sits a 2metre high tower of books. The top box looks bent from the pressure.It's a miracle nobody has been hurt, Oh and there is 6 foot expandable ladder next to it-(because we couldn't find a better place).That will be handy if any of us shorties end up in an avalance of books!Yes we do have bookshelves in our house but they are packed as you've probaly guessed.

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